
Our retreats create a place where those who give can come to receive; where we can rest & recalibrate together.

If you are a self-led woman, join one of our retreats & receive the support & nourishment that comes from being in community with other like-minded women living in their power.

RENEW Retreat

SATURDAY 9 September 2023
Cabilla, Cornwall

If you are a woman who gives out a lot of your energy, this DAY RETREAT is your opportunity to unwind & receive. 

The Cabilla experience is based around therapeutic immersion in nature. The Japanese call it Shinrin-Yoku, translated as Forest Bathing. With endless ancient woodlands to explore, & rivers to swim, there is space to tune inwards, reflect & take stock.

This sanctuary is for women. As such, the programme is deeply steeped in feminine energetics with time for movement, stillness, creativity, connection, transformation & evolution.

Together we rest, together we rise.